December 14, 2009

by Kathy Isaac

Compassion is defined as, “a deep feeling of sympathy followed by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.” It was working for a day in a Kenyan kitchen under the conditions that these women worked in daily, with inadequate supplies where God spoke to me to do something about the water situation. His children were suffering physically.

Following Proverbs 3, I trusted in God in faith, not withholding good when it was within my power to act. And act I have. I started ‘Kenya Get Well’ (KGW) to, 1. Build a well and 2. Buy a drill; providing water for life and reaching people with the Living Water of Jesus Christ. I began for my friends in Kenya, but have witnessed such blessing here at home too.

I have been blessed with new friends who have joined the KGW team. Blessed with wonderful people to share their talents at the Sound Waves Coffeehouse, God provided this opportunity for some good friends from work to venture into Harbour, and one who thanked me and asked to come back with his family. What better blessing than to be used to bring people closer to Him!!

“Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.”  Proverbs 3:27 NIV

About the Author Nima

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