December 5, 2009

By Grace Clouse

My Mother’s final weeks were spent in a nursing home with pain medication that allowed her to sleep almost all the time.  Each day as I drove to spend time with, I would pray for an opportunity to serve God during this time of waiting.  I felt an indescribable need.

One afternoon as I sat with my mother, I heard someone crying nearby.  I waited and listened for someone to respond.  “Help”, I heard; but still no response.  I quietly walked across the hall.   A lady was lying in her bed, all alone.  This was the beginning of new ministry for me.  I visited this lady regularly from then on; and I started looking around and found others who just needed a smile, a visit to help lift the loneliness.

My prayer had been answered; and I hope others’ as well.  I had been focused totally on my Mother, but God wanted me to look around, and see the need.  As always, by asking for His guidance in serving Him, we are also blessed.

“By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”  John 13:35 NIV

About the Author Nima

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