By Debra Hoffos
I was unprepared for the greeting that would come. After all, I seldom see my step granddaughter, Willow. The last time we had time together, I read her books and maybe we went cross-country skiing. Her dad told me how she had “taken a shining’” to me. Well that was a couple of years ago, and what does a 10 year old girl really remember?
I could hardly take my coat off before Willow was giving me a giant hug! And she would not let go! Even though her cousins were there to play with her, she still wanted to be with me. After a few minutes she went off to play with them, but then come back to see me. She just smiled, beamed I should say and just wanted to be there with me. It was shocking and disarming.
Later, reflecting on this unusual experience, I knew that Willow put a face to Christ’s love for me. I didn’t earn it or deserve it. I didn’t even have to prove it. It was just there. Jesus’ love poured out to me through my beautiful step granddaughter. “Thank you Willow.”
“God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God and God in him.” 1 John 4:16a NIV