To the Harbour Community

In May of 2014 Devon Snelgrove joined our staff as a Student Ministry Intern. He was a recent graduate of Heritage Bible College and made a commitment to serve here for two years. Since Devon’s arrival we have seen steady growth, fruit and momentum in our High School Ministry. He has been a great addition to our staff team and we appreciate his servant heart, teachable spirit and winsome ways.

Over the Fall of 2015, Pastor Jeff, began to have discussions with Devon about how he was viewing his future. In response we received this encouraging email. Devon writes

During my time at Harbour I have been blessed by how amazing a church family Harbour is. I knew from the beginning that my time here would be a great learning experience and as I sit here nearing my last few months I wondered what would be next and to be honest I don’t want to leave Harbour. My time here has been a huge blessing and I have grown a lot since May of 2014. This is why I would like to request of the Elders that after my internship ends on May 4th 2016, that I stay on part time to continue my role as Director of High School Ministry. This is a church that I believe in and I want to continue to be a part of staff and the community here.

We are thrilled to inform you that after April, Devon will be remaining on our staff as the part-time director of High School Ministry. Devon’s job description will also include an increased emphasis on college age ministry and he is in the process of building a leadership team for that.

It is also our desire to bless Devon by helping send him to Kenya on the April Go, Learn, Return and Respond team. If you would like give funds for his trip, please designate it towards him on any offering envelope. Extra funds will be used to help Devon begin his Graduate degree.

Devon’s goal long-term is to complete a Graduate Degree in Theology and be called into a full time pastoral position. We are thankful he will be with us for this next season of ministry and look forward to the day when we can commission him into a full time role.

Please join us in affirming Devon in this role at Harbour.

The Harbour Elders.

About the Author Harbour

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  1. I am thrilled to hear this wonderful news. Congratulations Devon and may God continue to bless you and your ministry to the youth and young adults at Harbour!

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