Welcome!  We are so glad that you have stopped by!

 We hope and pray that through Harbour you would have a meaningful encounter with Jesus.  We hope you find Harbour to be a safe and welcoming place where you can join in community with others like yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect?

Our service runs each Sunday from 9:00 to 10:15am and 10:45 to 12:00pm.  In each service we hope to present the teachings of Christ through worship, video, drama and a message that makes the Bible relevant to life.

How should I dress?

We want you to feel comfortable however you dress for church. The Bible tells us that God doesn't look at the outward appearance but at the heart.

What about my children?

Harbour Kids Preschool and Elementary meet during the entire service. Youth in grades 6-8 participate in the first half of our service and then are dismissed for their group time for the 1st and 2nd Sunday of the month.

Is Harbour Accessible?

Yes! Right from the parking lot, to the auditorium, to the bathrooms. You will find it easy to get around in the building. If you should need any special assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Where do I go when I walk in?

If you have any questions prior to the service, there is a team of people ready to greet you and guide you in the right direction. Our host team will be wearing Harbour name tags and they would be happy to help you. Otherwise, you can start the day off with a coffee and then enter the auditorium on the right.

Where should I go when service is over?

If you're new to Harbour, we would love to have the opportunity to connect with you. There is a “Welcome Desk” in our atrium. This is an area where we can meet you and answer any questions you might have, no strings attached. Please feel free to enjoy some coffee after the service as well!

Contact Us!

We would love to hear about your experience at Harbour!  Leave us a comment here!