Meet Evanson Macharia

A member of the Caleb fellowship in Nyahururu, Kenya. The Caleb fellowship is an group of 8 local pastors from 5 different denominations who have organized to assist in the various ministries overseen by PACE Ministries under the direction of Pastor Wachira Ngamau.

Evanson is married to Faith and they have three children – Mercy, Caleb and Joshua. He is senior pastor of Happy Church in Nyahururu where he has been pastoring for the last 16 years and was recently ordained a Bishop in the Nyahururu Region. He currently oversees 23 churches in the region. His two great passions are teaching and ministering to seniors. He currently organizes and runs two weekly seniors gatherings in neighbouring villages where upwards of a 100 seniors attend each of the two gatherings. The elderly are, as Evanson describes them, a neglected group. He saw that they needed fellowship and compainship but weren’t getting that from their families or their churches. The gatherings don’t replace their church since they come from different denominations but through Evanson’s guidance they come to receive spiritual, emotional, and physical encouragement. “These seniors”, Evanson says, “Are hurting. Their children have left them and don’t take care of them, so resentment and pain have settled in their hearts.” He teaches them forgiveness and love. Because many are undernourished he serves them ugi (liquid porridge) and encourages the PACE dentist and medical visitors to PACE to visit the seniors and serve their medical needs.

Evanson trained as a teacher so when he learned of Wachira’s dream of a pastor’s training centre – a Bible school, he became part of the first class and received his Bachelor of Theology degree in 2009. He dreams of becoming a better, trained pastor, and to be a leader training the next generation of pastors. So this year he has taken time away from his church and has enrolled in the full time Masters program at the Nairobi University in order to see his second passion area fulfilled. Evanson wishes to teach the many Kenyan pastors who are working in churches but have had no formal training and just maybe, with Wachira’s connections throughout East Africa, to expand PAST – the PACE Bible School – and open modular training centres throughout Kenya and east Africa.

He writesIMG_0243

This is pastor Macharia-Happy Church (Bishop) I am so excited that I am finally going to school. The date for reporting is 3rd September. I can’t wait for the day I will find myself in class. I promise to be a good student; obey my teachers and perform well. Thank you so very much for your prayers and generous support.I am informed of the gift-school fees- you sent for me. May the good Lord in return bless you so abundantly.

I want to thank God for Harbour church and all our friends for your concern and great care that you have always shown to us as CALEB FELLOWSHIP. The housing project is amazing. It is exciting to see pastors’ families own homes. This is the greatest gift to us.

Goshen is doing great. The parents are growing younger by the day. We thank you for your love and generosity.Welcome.

My family is fine and they send warm greetings and lots of love. Faith is still cooking nice. Welcome for dinner and fellowship next time you come.

In His service,

Macharia-Baba Mercy, Caleb and Joshua.

About the Author Harbour

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