By Daun Ferron
In November of 1997, when I entered the doors of Harbour, I really did not want to be at church. But I came in support of my husband, Roger and his “new found faith” as I called it. I wanted to get seated right away, try not to make eye contact with anyone, and of course when the service was done, get out of there ASAP!
Thankfully, God had a different plan. Looking back he purposely put people at the doors to greet me, smiling faces to give me tea, talented worshipers to sing to my heart, and a Pastor to speak to my soul. It wasn’t long before Roger and I were invited into people’s homes for dinner and invited to join a small group. In the small group we were able to connect with others, relate and to do life together. And, most importantly, I was able to ask questions about Jesus, and His love for me.
I know without a shadow of a doubt, I would not be a Christian today without the compassion shown by the people of Harbour Fellowship Church. It still continues to this day.
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Ephesians 4:32 NIV