By Joan Kwiatkowski

One day I was telling Debra Hoffos about how I make quilts for cancer patients. At this time we were in a small group doing the 3:16 study. I told her how I put 3:16 on the quilts so that people might ask what that is. Of course then they could find out about God’s love for the world by sending Jesus.

A few weeks later Debra got up on the stage and was being very honest about her struggles and it made me feel sad for her.  She does a lot of things around the church and helps with the children’s programs.

I am a very shy person, but God put it on my heart to do something to cheer her up. I thought, “What can I do to cheer her up?”  So I made a quilt of a teacher, teaching kids the verse of John 3:16.  I put this scripture on a quilt so that we can pass this on to everyone to remember it.

When I was finished, I talked to Debra and showed her the quilt and told her she is my inspiration. I got the biggest smile out of her and that made my day! God has taught us to love!

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  John 3:16 NIV

About the Author Nima

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