For eight days, from July 17—24, 10 team members from Harbour will travel to Haiti. Our team will join with youth from PACE ministries Kenya and others from around the US. This diverse team will build homes for 2 families that lost theirs in the 2009 earthquake. During the evenings we will minister to youth in the local church and community. Our desire is that this time away from home in a different culture and environment will provide life changing spiritual growth opportunities for the team. 

Here is a Testimony of one of team members.

               My name is Celine; I just turned 18 and graduated from AN Myer Secondary school. I enjoy playing soccer, volleyball and travelling.  I have an amazing sister and amazing parents.

I have been very fortunate in that I have grown up in a Christian home, and have gone to church all of my life. My parents taught me about God from a young age and taught me right and wrong. Even though I grew up in a Christian home, and went to church every week it doesn’t mean I was a Christian. At 5 years old I asked Jesus into my life. We were having devotions as a family and I asked my mom what I had to do to go to heaven. She said I needed to ask for forgiveness for all the wrong things I did, and ask Jesus to be the leader of my life. So I did.

I continued to go to church through out my early teens but I was just going through the motions. My life continued to be great—fun and full—and I had everything I wanted. There were no problems to prompt me to faith.  I wasn’t struggling with anything. In my early years of high school I started to make some poor decisions. I knew I was starting to go down the wrong path and realized I was not living a life that God would want me to. With the help of my parents, devotions and obviously God, I started to make some changes and better choices. My relationship with God continues to grow stronger. I have become a more caring, loving and forgiving person because of God.

I’ve always known in my heart that I was supposed to go on a mission’s trip. When Wachira invited us to come to Haiti in February, I knew I was meant to go, no questions asked. I don’t think I have ever had a stronger desire to do something in my life. I have been so amazed at how God has provided for this trip. I have received verbal affirmation and encouragement from friends, coworkers, coaches and family. I was able to get time off work with out difficulties; I have received all the financial support I needed as well as generous donations of toiletry products.

As we have been preparing for our trip, my relationship with Christ has become even stronger and I’ve developed a deeper understanding of God, during the bible studies and discussions with our Haiti team.  Because I am a Christian, I want to make a difference in other people’s lives. I know God has placed a special place in my heart for the poor, and what better place to show Gods love then to one of the poorest countries in the world. I can’t wait to share God’s word with the people we will encounter, and to deepen my relationship with Christ as well.

About the Author Harbour

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