A portion of Harbour’s Good Friday offering went towards the earthquake relief efforts in Japan being carried out by the Fellowship Agengy for International Relief. Below is an brief update on the relief efforts. Below that is a downloadable file giving more detailed information.
Japan Earthquake Update
Thank you to those who have prayed and given financially towards the Japan earthquake relief efforts. In addition to their ongoing ministries, our missionary team in Japan has been involved with relief efforts at varying levels—from rounding up drinking water and food in the days immediately following the quake, to clearing mud from tsunami-ravaged buildings, and gathering supplies to deliver to those living in shelters.
As of today (June 14), $215,058 has been received for relief efforts.
The attached report provides some details as to how funds have been used to date and outlines opportunities for future involvement, should funds be available. Also included in the update is an interesting report about a unique way some of our missionaries and Japanese believers have been able to partner with those in the community to provide supplies for kids in the earthquake and tsunami zone. A very interesting read.
Further details about FAIR’s relief efforts and an update from Fellowship International missionaries in Japan will be available in the next issue of Focal Point (later in June). To obtain a copy, contact Wendy MacDonell at: wendy@fellowship.ca.
Click here to download the PDF file containing more information about the Fellowship Agengy for International Relief and their work in Japan. (Click here to download a PDF viewer if necessary.)