BY 2028, WE ENVISION....
1. A people with a growing hunger for God
2. A worship service grounded in the sufficiency of biblical truth that encourages meaningful engagement with God
3. An unwavering commitment to teach and obey the whole counsel of God
4. Resounding singing that exalts Christ whenever we gather
5. Worship that is theologically driven, congregationally singable and musically beautiful*
6. Prayer and Scripture reading integral to Sunday service
7. High participation in corporate prayer initiatives
8. Technical excellence in our services
9. Increased engagement with a growing online ministry
*updated July 2024
10. Organized public evangelism leading to organic personal evangelism
11. A church that celebrates a growing number of salvations and baptisms
12. Start multiple first and second generation churches
13. Foster a movement of gospel sharing that permeates our province
14. National and Global partnerships committed to sharing the gospel, making disciples, starting churches, and multiplying leaders
15. A church invested in its Lead Out partners
16. Everyone a disciple maker
17. Discipleship groups that nurture Christ-like character and faster strong community
18. Every discipleship group multiplying by starting a new group
19. Young Adults living out their faith identity in Christ and having an impactful presence on their campus
20. Seniors investing in future generations
21. A church that carries each other's burdens
22. Congregation mobilized to lead by discovering spiritual gifts
23. A church that prioritizes equipping the saints for ministry
24. Leaders that reflect our congregational cultural diversity
25. Development opportunities for young leaders at every stage that equip them for a lifetime of ministry
26. Prioritize holistic staff development that focuses on spiritual, personal, and professional growth
27. Sunday morning kids ministry that puts the gospel at the centre of everything
28. Strong families that are dedicated to raising kids that follow Jesus
29. A youth ministry that builds a strong faith foundation, resulting in students discipling each other
30. An expanded camp experience that is known throughout Niagara for being Bible-filled and fun
31. A growing preschool that is well-known for teaching Christ and care of children
32. Intentional events that see people begin a discipleship journey
33. A cafe bakery in the atrium that is accessed by the community
34. A community rich in generosity
35. A dynamic social media presence
36. A church known for its tangible love in the settlement of new Canadians
37. Launch a Christ-centred, self-supporting English language learning program
38. A spiritual home for International Students
39. Compassionately and practically demonstrate God's love towards those in need
40. Create a vision-driven blueprint to expand our facility