WHO are Graham and Sharon Bulmer?

Graham and Sharon have been attending Harbour for about a year. For the last 18 years they have served as missionaries with Reach Beyond (known previously as HCJB World Radio) in Quito, Ecuador. Graham is a pastor with extensive ministry oversight experience. Sharon is taking a break from her profession as a teacher and is working as an Administrative Assistant at the St. Catharines Physiotherapy Centre.

WHO will be involved?
We are trusting God for 20 people from Harbour, as well as 20 people from the Q50 area to form the initial core group.  As well, the FEB Central Church Plant team is engaged to provide counsel and other resources.

WHAT is the target area?
Based on the work done by the church exploratory team, the target area is West Niagara. The most dominate landmark in that area is the intersection of the QEW and Fifty Road. Because of that we have chosen “Q50” as the working name of the church plant endeavour.

WHY a new church?
There are several reasons. First, churches multiply by dividing. As resources are redirected from Harbour to the Q50 church it will provide more opportunities for growth and service here at Harbour. Second, the Q50 area is set to explode with growth in the new housing development.  Third, no one church can meet every need. Fourth, as new people form a new community it is often easier to engage in a new church than to “break into” a well-established church. And, this new church can easily adapt its ministry to the needs of the new community than can an already functioning church.

WHEN will the new church launch?
Our goal is to have the core group meeting somewhere in the Q50 area by September 2018.

WHAT can we be doing now?
THE most important thing is to pray together. We are dependent on God to provide the resources necessary for the healthy launch of this new church. We will be hosting a Q50 Community prayer time every second Tuesday, starting September 12, from 7:00-8:00 pm here at Harbour. As the Q50 Community moves forward there will be opportunities to engage in relationship-building events in the Q50 area.

About the Author Pat

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  1. Thank you for the information update, Graham and Sharon are a great couple and their wish is to do what GOD Will Have Them Do. They live their lives Spiritually and totally lean on God for direction.

    I personally will make it a matter of daily prayer for God’s leading in this new and exciting work.

    Judy Scott

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