Over the last 15 days a team from Harbour has ministered with our Global Missions partner – PACE, in Nyahururu, Kenya. This was a significant time of ministry. We were able to further the work of the many from Harbour that have gone before us.
It’s always good to reflect and remember what the Lord has done. Here are some of my personal and team highlights from our trip.
1. The completion of several building projects – including a “chicken incubator”. This will be used to instruct local farmers. Dave and Frank gained much respect for their character and skilled carpentry.
2. The completion of a mural for the PACE Academy – truly a work of art produced by Eddie and Cam.
3. The celebration of Ryan and Taryn’s six month ministry – the relationships built and ministry accomplished. Ryan’s IT support and Taryn’s teaching have been unmatched in PACE’s history.
4. The hosting of a youth retreat with over 200 in attendance. We taught through John 3:16. In one session over 50 responded to either dedicate or rededicate their lives to Christ. Cam and Eddie did a great job in presenting and teaching new songs. Along with the general sessions Kathy and Jeff led a separate time for “guys and girls only” where we took questions on various issues.
5. The furtherance of “well project” at PACE. God has given Kathy a passion to see a well drilled. It looks like God may be providing the opportunity at reduced pricing for this project to be completed in the next month.
6. Numerous opportunities to interact and encourage the students of PACE including games and crafts led by our team.
7. A wonderful safari
8. The opportunity to tour the land purchased through Harbour that will become homesteads for local pastors. Most pastors retire poor and with no home so our initiative is helping meet a basic need and providing greater freedom and security as they minister.
9. The participation in a mission trip within our mission trip. Alongside the combined effort of several community churches our team travelled to a remote area in Kenya where, on Saturday, a church was constructed and then, on Sunday, worshiped in.
10. All team members teaching the word of God on Sunday mornings at various churches. Jeff taught 11 different times over the two weeks.
11. Visiting three affiliate sites that minister to disadvantage children and the delivering of vitamins. These nutrients are making a real and noticeable difference in the lives of the kids.
12. Countless meals with Pace staff, local pastors and new friends where we shared and encouraged each other in our spiritual journeys and ministry.
13. Last year I told of story of a man who I chatted with several times about salvation – we discussed the “works plan” and the “grace plan”. When I left, he said that he would study and think about changing his idea of salvation from works to grace. So I was delighted this year to hear of this acceptance of grace, the making of Jesus the leader and forgiver and the moving to a new church where he knew he would hear the message of grace.
14. Numerous meetings with local Pastors and leaders to help define and plan our Launch Leaders vision over the next 4 years at Pace, in Kenya and Rwanda. I’m excited about what the next four years holds in this area for us as a church.
15. The many people from Harbour and beyond who prayed, supported and encouraged us on this trip. We are grateful for their investment in our lives and in the lives of those in Nyahururu. Thank you.
16. The anticipation of another 7 from Harbour who will travel in August through October to continue to further Harbour’s partnership there.
God has been exceedingly good to us. I would encourage you to take time and ask a team member to share their favorite experience from the trip. I’m grateful for our church community that has a growing passion to Launch Leaders both near and far. I have also returned home with deepened passion to Walk Compassionately in our immediate community and look forward to seeing the birth of this initiative in the next months.