Ryan and Tyran McGuire are back in Canada after spending six months working with PACE Ministries in Kenya! Here’s an excerpt from  their most recent blog entry:

Here are some of our favourite moments, lessons learned, and “God moments” from our 6-month journey to Kenya:

* Being welcomed and embraced by the PACE community as a brother and sister.
* Building friendships with some of the finest people we have ever met and we are already looking forward to the next time we will get to greet them in person!
* Our random trips to Nairobi – We would call our friend, Julia, and ask, “Do you have any plans this weekend?” And her response was always, “You should come and hang out for a few days.” Julia is naturally gifted in hospitality and servanthood, and we were blessed by her kindness and friendship many times over.
* Wachira’s many sayings and “Wachiraisms” – Anyone who knows Wachira should know what we’re talking about. If you don’t know him, you’ll just have to go to Kenya to meet him!! He’s more than just a person – getting to know Wachira is a grand experience.
* The mission trips to Maralal and Kakamega – While being some of our favourite experiences overall, these trips helped us forge friendships and gave us some important perspectives on both the diversity of the Kenyan people and of the tremendous spiritual and physical needs that exist in Kenya.
* The 12 hour bus ride from Nairobi to Nyahururu … it was our first experience with the reality that time can be irrelevant in Kenya and that “life happens along the way.” P.S. For anyone thinking of going to serve with PACE, it only takes 3 hours to get to Nyahururu – we just had an adventure with a bus that randomly lost both of its batteries along the highway.

The full post contains photos of the harbour team visiting Kenya. Here it is!

About the Author Nima

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