Refugee Welcome Team
Refugee sponsorship, at its best, is a relational investment in which sponsors work together to help displaced persons resettle into a local Canadian community. The result of assisting one family can have an impact for years to come, not only on those who have been sponsored, but also the whole community and future generations.
Harbour is working with our Fellowship (The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada). They have a partner agreement with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA). The C&MA is the Sponsorship Agreement Holder and provides refugee sponsorship support to partner churches.
Joint Assistance Sponsorship (JAS)
• Refers to a joint undertaking by the sponsoring group and Citizenship and Immigration Canada to sponsor a refugee requiring special assistance to meet their needs and whose admissibility depends upon the additional support of a sponsor. Refugees sponsored under the JAS program are identified as having special needs that will likely result in a longer or more difficult period of integration.
• Under the JAS program, Sponsorship Agreement Holders and their Constituent Groups work together with the government. The government provides financial assistance to the refugee while sponsoring groups provide community and emotional support and orientation, and ensure access to appropriate services.
To Learn More Visit
Leadership Team
• Judy Chappell—
• Christina Claus—
• Sue Dobell—
Areas of Assistance Needed
(Please sign-up in atrium at Harbour)
1. Assist with finding permanent accommodation
2. Assist with obtaining clothing
3. Assist with obtaining home furnishings
4. Assist with obtaining food
5. Provide assistance in finding employment
1. Locate an interpreter
2. Apply for provincial health plan and Interim Federal Health
3. Apply for Social Insurance Number
4. Select a family physician
5. Select a dentist Plan for medical emergencies
6. Register for Child Tax Benefit
1. Provide orientation (e.g. public transportation, banking services, etc.)
2. Provide assistance in linking people with community activities
3. Enroll children in schools
4. Make child care arrangements
5. Enroll adults in language training
6. Provide transportation to appointments
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink,
I was a stranger and you invited me in”
Matthew 25:35