November 2, 2011

Sunday 10 am

November 6


 Catch Your Breath

 Breathe Deep the Breath of God

Mike is a jazz musician and worship leader who lives in Toronto with his wife Jody and daughter Hadassah. Mike is a tremendous musical talent with an extraordinary passion for people and heart for God. 

As well as releasing three jazz albums in recent years, Mike also headed up a project entitled, Little Trinity Worship Sessions, a live worship CD recorded at his home church, ‘Little T’ in downtown Toronto.   This album is the basis for our Selah Service and can be purchased on iTunes or (legally) downloaded for free at

I would highly recommend you to get a copy of this album for your personal enjoyment but I would also love for you to become familiar with the music prior to the Selah Service.           

Jon Grant

About the Author Pat

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