By Sheralyn Nault

Do you ever wonder if people are aware that you are a truly committed Christ follower? Somewhere along the line has your light of love for Christ dimmed? My desire to share Christ, along with my insecure nature, (yes, believe it or not), has been the dichotomy of my walk with Christ.

God is SO good , on March 24th, of this year HE gave me a gift. It went like this… My nephew Jordon connected with me on Facebook, asking about our church. He had rededicated his life to Christ and wanted a church home. I asked him how this had come about!

His story starts with the faith of his Grandmother Nault, who constantly told him how much she loved Jesus, and how much Jesus loved him! Jordon and his wife, Ashley, have become parents this year to a beautiful son, Dane. Jordan told me that the desire of his heart was to, “Bring up Dane in a house of faith, like you and Uncle Al.” I LOVE that phrase -“a house of faith.”

Did you catch God’s gift -“like you and Uncle Al.” Thank you Lord for THAT assurance – His light still shines in us!! No, I have not sat down with dozens of people and led them to the Lord , but , those seeds get dropped in tiny places and grow into full bloom love for Jesus, even when we have no idea! I thank God for using Jordon to reassure “Aunt Sher”, even when he might not have known he was doing so. SHINE SHINE SHINE!!!!

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16 NIV

About the Author Nima

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