Your faith in God matters to God.
In fact, God is most honored through your living, active, death-defying, out-of-the-box faith.
That being the case, he’s committed to growing it.
Imagine how different your outlook on life would be if you had absolute confidence that God was with you? Imagine how differently you would respond to difficulties, temptations, and even good things if you knew with certainty that God was in all of it and was planning to leverage it for good. In other words, imagine what it would be like to have GREATER faith.
From August 16th to September 23rd I will be teaching a series entitled the Five Things that God Uses to Grow Your Faith.
This Sunday, July 26th we will be launching the series. The day will also include a BBQ immediately after the service. Is there someone in your life that you think could benefit from this series? Why not take advantage of this special day and invite someone to join you this Sunday.
J. Vernon McGee and Thru The Bible radio. Best teaching from a dead guy! Been listening since 1982.
Teaching on Jeremiah for example is nothing short of remarkable. The OT comes to life in living colour and only a God who is with us can bring forth such truths written 3,000 years ago…thru a man who has been gone from us for 20 years!
The past few months have been difficult at times for Grant and I. He got a job in St. Catharines which was very exciting, but it didn’t take off as much as we had hoped and it didn’t pay enough. Since I work at the school board, come summer time I’m out of a job. So Grant and I were very low on money. It was a huge struggle for us. At times we didn’t even have enough to pay our bills. But God always provided. Whether it was through unexpected cheques, borrowing from our family members or just God giving us random money from people. We always had enough. And praise God, Grant and I both have second jobs! God totally provided for us when we had no money. And He has brought us through that to a place where we are doing okay, and only because of God.
five things:
1.people: my mom she took us to church regularly & even changed churches when i complained about how boring sunday school was. she always had time to answer questions about God
a jesuit brother who showed us that learning about God could be fun
my sister sher- when mom died we started our journey together looking for a church that would teach us about Jesus
2. a koininain weekend retreat where i learned that i didnt have to try to change – but instead allow God to transform me into who He wants me to be.
3.going back for my arts degree after 2 yrs away from university, meeting my husband, recovering from my motorcycle accident.
4.worhsip music -especially this easter
5.learning that God cared about every part of my life
I recently was refered to a video online called “Death is not dying, a faith that saves.”
This video challenged me. I then suggested my ladies group view it together. It is worth the 50 minutes to listen to a young woman of very deep and strong faith in God. I recommend this to all women.
Having faith in God and trusting him is very difficult when you never had a father figure or anyone that potected you or that you could trust.
Dealing with adult issues suffered because of childhood abuse has caused me to truly lean on and rest in Gods love and assurance that He will never leave me or forsake me. Small group over the last two years has “just happend” to be dealing with the same issues I was personally dealing with. God uses people all around us to help us take those steps in faith. Forgiveness, I believe, is the hardest step to take. My journey in that regard is not over, in fact I have recently taken a huge step and reached out to a dear chrisian counsellor who clearly serves our Lord. Some steps that God encourages us to take in order to be transformed seem impossible but once you take that step you are so grateful and come to the realization that God is truly there, you just need to look for Him and let Him in.
2 Corinthians 3″17&18
Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is , there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lords’ Glory, are being ransformed into His likeness with every increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is Spirit.
God calles us into community because He knows we need each other and I thank each friend who has helped me along this very painful journey. Resting and leaning on God through situations like this is huge. I do not take lightly the place in which I stand today. Sometimes we must travel down a road that we would perfer not to. Tears may fall and it may be hard but God is there and He will hold you up as He did me.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you,do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strenthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Psalm 126:5
Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him.
The attitudes coming out of walking boldly are proof that God is doing something huge in our Church. I encourage everyone to take that step of faith that you have been afraid to take. And I encourage you to reach out to that person who’s been on your mind and heart because God works through us to those people who He has brought to mind. Several people have done that for me and I know without a doubt that it was God.
May God bless our community in ways that are unmistakable GOD.
Sincerely Ruth
Ruth, Hold on to Isaiah 41;10 It is so real and you can trust your life to it’s truth. Test it, it does not fail. Peter
I can think of many things that God has used in my lifetime to teach me about Himself. Some were fun and exciting, and others were much more difficult.
I think about times of worship and praise where I am drawn into His presence and filled with the Spirit. At these times when I focus only on Him and his absolute authority and power and love, I am at awe that He even knows or cares who I am.
At times when I am confused about what is happening around me and study His word, I am given answers and I am at peace. People ask me how I know what God’s will is. I tell them if you don’t ask the question, and go looking for His answer in His “word” the Bible, you may never know. Lesson learned.
When I fall, He teaches me about grace and forgiveness. Another lesson learned: Don’t judge people when you haven’t walked a mile in their shoes, or you might have to walk that mile.
Over the past few years, God has taught me more about what’s important to Him through the people I’ve met on various mission trips. Lessons about what you “do” for God, what you do with what God gives you, and how important people are to Him.